Driving Instructor
Choosing someone to teach your child to drive is an important step in any parents journey. Moreso, you want your child to feel comfortable and relaxed with the person who is about to teach them a valuable life skill.
We all worry about our children taking that real major step into independence and want to see them succeed however want to ensure that the correct skills have been provided to ensure a safe driving future.
Find a driving instructor
You’ve already taken the first step towards finding a driving instructor, you’ve found us. So let’s introduce you to our driving instructor so you can find out a bit more information.
Your driving instructor will be Graham Metcalf. Graham has been a driving instructor for over 40 years and has now taught multiple generations within the one family to important skill of how to drive.
Being the father of two daughters, Graham has been through the process of teaching his own girls how to drive, along with most of their school friends. Now they have children of their own, Graham is counting down the years till he can teach his grandchildren how to drive.
Graham is a fully licensed driving instructor and as such you receive the 3 for 1 bonus hours. For every 1 hour lesson your child receives 3 hours in their log book. A great way to increase your childs log book hours.